Tag Archives: global

TV 3.0 – companies, tomorrow’s TV providers? (English version)

TV 3.0 – companies, tomorrow’s TV providers?

By: Sven Herold

What will the TV landscape look like in five years? TV sets will have factory fitted built in internet connections. Today many of the latest models are already offered with a YouTube player or even with completely open access to the WWW. It is clear that they will be operated directly by touching the screen – similar to an iPad. Furthermore, rolling Organic Liquid Displays (OLED) offer completely new application possibilities – takeaway TV.

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Filed under TV market trends

Companies will be the TV networks of the future!

… some insights of SAP’s  TV strategy. Article in CP Wissen (a newspaper about corporate publishing) from April 6, sorry German only 🙂


Corporate TV – mehr als tausend Worte
Artikel: http://www.cpwissen.de/artikel/items/mehr-als-tausend-worte.html


Filed under Apple TV, Google TV, News, TV market trends, TV Media Relations, TV Production